Saturday 6 October 2018

Why is Hinduism so popular when several aspects of it go against science?

Actually Hinduism got the age of the Earth correct, 4.32 billion years is 1 day of Brahma , the creator god ; Actual age of earth is 4.5 billion years and Abrahamic religions say earth was created 4000 bc ; Hinduism does not believe in day of Judgement type myths, We believe that creation of earth is 4.32 billion years ( 1 day of Brahma ) and destruction of earth is another 4.32 billion years ( 1 night of Brahma ) ; life on earth will slowly perish over billions of years, not in 1 day of judgement ; Science says earth will perish in another 5 billion years when the Sun becomes a Red Giant and swallows the earth
Hinduism says not much difference between all forms of life, which are all interlinked, and all forms of life have a soul ; DNA says not much difference between all forms of life ; vs dumb Abrahamists say humans are special ; Hinduism accepts evolution
Hinduism cremates dead bodies, vs dumb Abrahamists bury dead body in hope of resurrection ; in real world, in 5 billion years from now, the Sun will become a Red Giant and swallow the earth and all the dead and buried bodies of Abrahamists will be cremated
Hinduism says, Brahma , the creator god will die in 314 Trillion years ( 100 years of the Brahma ) ; and thats when Scientists expect all Stars to die off
Hinduism says God is the Cosmos, and considers it foolish for Abrahamic religions to beleive in a Jealous God, and his Jealous Prophets who cares about what happens to 1 small tribe , in 1 small planet, vs Trillions of planets with life forms
Hinduism is multi-cultural - it gave shelter to Jews for 2000 years without anti-semitism and to Zorastrians who fled islamic invasion of Iran ; Hinduism does not believe that a non-Hindu goes to hell, just because he does not believe in Hinduism ; Atheists and Agnostics are accepted ; We worry about what a person does, than what myth he believes in ; Keep in Mind, theologically Judaism is similar to Islam and Christianity and the old testament calls for violence vs Idolators and Polytheists ; Zorastrianism was formed as an anti-Vedic hindu sect ; so despite these 2 religions being theologically opposed to Hinduism , we gave them shelter as long as they dont act violently to Hindus
Hinduism is pro-environment , pro-animal rights, - Average per capita meat consumption is just 3 kg / year vs USA = 120 kg / year ; 40% of Hindus are vegetarian ( lacto ) and a sizeable number of cows lead natural lifes and are not killed after lactaton ; Those hindus who do eat meat, eat it very sparingly, just 1 or 2 meat meals a week ; Global warming will cease if the world becomes Hindu, because a Vegetarian diet is less stressful on the Environment
Hindus co-exist with wild animals, there is a leopard sanctuary in Bombay, with hundreds of leopards and people living among them , and leopards are not killed off, unless they eat people; These leopards learned to feed on stray dogs and street pigs
The Asiatic lion which ranged from Europe to Persia to India, still exists in India and villagers live among them and they are not killed unless they eat people
**Added later** The Asiatic Elephant used to exist in China , but became extinct because the Chinese ate them ; In India and countries influenced by Hinduism / Buddhism, such as Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, elephants live in the wild as a sacred animal ; and common people usually tolerate elephants
**Cobra is sacred, King cobra is sacred ; There is a festival called Nag Panchami, wherein Cobras are captured from the fields , but they are all released after the festival - Contrast this with Rattle Snake roundups in USA, where all the rattlers are killed and eaten
*** Real Cow, Elephant, Monkey, Snake, River, Mountain, Sun, Moon, Star vs Imaginary Jehovah, Allah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Virgin Birth, Resurrection , Day of Judgement, Heaven, Hell, Hell fire, Paradise, Angels
** This is Hindu woman from Bishnoi sect , they plant millions of trees and reverse desertification, prevent outsiders from cutting trees ; Once a Maharaja sent some soldiers to cut trees to build a palace , Bishnoi women and children stood in the way of the axes and got killed than allow trees to be cut ; they fight poachers, and protect wildlife - In this picture, a Bishnoi woman is breast feeding an orphan baby deer - whereas an abrahamist would have killed and eaten the baby deer - So which is Barbarian ? Hinduism or Abrahamism

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