Sunday 14 October 2018

What is the most innovative tech company in the past decade

Think of it like this:
Facebook is trying to get us to post artsy pictures of ourself on Instagram.
Google is trying to get us to click on more ads through the use of AI.
Apple is trying to convince us that the iPhone Xs is somehow different than last year’s model.
Samsung is trying to put screens on appliances that people don't really want screens on.
SpaceX is making interstellar travel possible to save humanity.

Every tech company is focused about selling something. Google and Facebook sell ads. Samsung and Apple sell products. Even think about Tesla, Netflix, Amazon, Tencent, Spotify: each sells a product at the end of the day and that is all they care about.
SpaceX, on the other hand, has embarked on a mission to save humanity and find how to make money later. That has been their purpose from the beginning. Any money-making idea is simply a means to get humans to Mars.
Apple may make the most profit. Facebook may have the most artsy pictures. Google may have the most data. Spotify may have the most users. Tesla may sell the most electric cars.
All of that is useless if humans die on Planet Earth. SpaceX is the only company with a strategy to ensure that we, as humans, do not die on this hunk of rock.

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