Saturday 13 October 2018

If Australia wanted to build aircraft carriers, would the US help by sharing technology such as nuclear propulsion and catapults

Absolutely. The US would be thrilled if Australia wanted to build carriers and Australia already has access to basically the entire portfolio of US defense technologies (and vice versa)
Operating Supercarriers like the Nimitz or Ford classes would be too taxing for Australia. They are stupidly expensive, both in capital costs and manpower. A single Nimitz in surge conditions can carry almost the entire Royal Australian Air Force!
However, Australia can (and does!) operate smaller “carriers” known as the Canberra class LHD (Landing helicopter Dock). These are more akin to the America and Wasp class Assault Ships used by the US Marines, than they are a true fixed wing aircraft carrier.
Its designed to carry mostly helicopters and landing craft for amphibious assaults. However, you may have noticed a ski jump up there in the front. That only takes space away from helicopter operations, why would they design it that way? It makes no sense!
Australia is already buying about 100 stealthy F-35A’s and has been a partner in the JSF program since the beginning. Converting some of those orders to the STOVL F-35B model so the Canberras can sport 5th generation supersonic fighter operations would make a ton of sense in my opinion.
That said, even if Australia doesn’t go that route, UK and US F-35B’s will still be able to operate on the decks of the Canberra class, and generally speaking, these countries don’t go to war without each other very often

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