Monday 15 October 2018

What are your tech predictions for the next 20 years

2020: Apple releases a phone with no notch!
2022: Biometric usage will be much more prevalent than today. Cars, houses and other devices will unlock with the voice, face or fingers.
2023: Drone delivery becomes more mainstream. Flying pizzas will be a thing!
2026: Dad might finally know how to install an app on his phone without needing my help. Oh wait. Most of these apps are now voice-based and installed on Google Home/Alexa. Apple HomePod will have been killed long before this date.
2028: Elon Musk creates and sells real Iron Man suits in an effort to raise money for further space exploration. After all, he’s the real-life Iron Man.
2030: At last! With the help of machine learning, Microsoft Windows (still version 10!) will finally understand user stress, for instance a student completing an assignment 17 minutes before the deadline, thus will not launch a Windows update at that moment!
2033: Java 33.3 is released. It’s date of death has been pushed to 2034 by the naysayers who keep predicting it since Java 1.1.
2034: Java’s death is pushed back yet again.
2035: Space X will land humans on Mars with Nasa’s help. This is actually also one of Barack Obama’s predictions: US Will Send People to Mars by 2030s, Barack Obama Says
2037: NPM reaches it’s billionth “next big thing soon to be fad Javascript framework”. We can follow the count here:
2038: ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! In old legacy poorly maintained corporate software of course, because of the 1970/01/01 epoch time and the max 32 bit 

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