Friday 19 October 2018

What are new innovations in technology

Here the new innovations in the field of technology is given below and to know more about technology visit this article.
It has been a very interesting year in technology in 2017. We have seen an increase in the number of global companies embedding new technologies into their business models, with automation, digitalisation, robotics and AI becoming less of a rarity and more of an expectation.
With the year about to end, what technological milestones are likely to be on the horizon for 2018?
AI Foundation
AI Foundation, an IT system that can learn, adapt and act on its own will be something more widespread in 2018.
As wireless technology is quickly and constantly evolving, it has become much easier to connect with all kinds of devices, opening newer ways to interact and manage, which was never possible before.
As our recent study into AI shows , its impact over the coming years is going to be considerable across many different industry sectors.
Augmented Reality
This year, I also think we’ll see AR being more widely adopted.
This technology is being received well, and companies are looking for seamless ways to combine the digital and physical world that is much more immersive for consumers.
Given the immense popularity of smartphones, mobile phone companies have released exciting ways for the consumer to experience AR, such as Apple’s release of the ARkit and iPhone X.
Also, apps like Snapchat are collaborating with companies like BMW, which will allow consumers to visualise how a car will look in the real world before purchase.
We should be expecting to see a much more competitive marketplace when it comes to AR technology in 2018.
Further advance of voice controlled digital platforms
Another trend that has been introduced to the market are conversational platforms such as Amazon’s Alexa.
These systems can answer basic questions and process simple requests, like queries about the weather or song selections.
At the speed conversational platforms are developing, 2018 may see these platforms capable of taking more detailed instructions and carrying out corresponding tasks both at home, and at work.
Although the foundations of conversational platforms have been built and already transforming the way consumers interact with machines, there are some challenges that must be overcome, such as different tones are translated.
Digital Twin software
Digital Twin is a development that’s already being used but will become increasingly advanced and cost-effective to implement thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).
It is software that’s paired with a physical object, and is a digital representation of that object.
Although, certain elements of Digital Twin have been around for a long time such as CAD 3D Models, what is new is that all aspects of design feedback are stored in the cloud which gathers data over time about its construction.
Combined with the data, Digital Twin has machine learning, physics, analytics, and in some cases AI, which produces intelligent outputs.
As our recent IoT announcement with Rolls-Royce shows, more and more engineering companies will integrate it in daily work life and will be able to ask the Digital Twin about a specific design or system, past and future operational performance.
This is advantageous because not only does it cut prototyping, design and engineering costs, but it is also in the sense it reduces maintenance costs and can prevent downtime.
Say hello to Business 4.0
The industrial revolution changed the world for the better with steam trains, mass production, then later computers.
Now, our world is driven by technologies that are less tangible but equally impactful. As the world transforms, so do the way businesses work which is reshaping entire industries.
Many businesses have built their digital spine and integrated innovative technology in almost all aspects of their business life.
Augmented Reality, AI, Cloud, Machine learning, IoT are all significant to the future. We call this change Business 4.0.
Those businesses who are unwilling to shift paradigms and evolve, will be left behind, and those who are willing to move forward and work with greater efficiency will have to work with new technology will prosper in the digital age.

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