Monday 8 October 2018

Is China the most technologically advanced nation among developing countries

Surprise! China IS the most technologically advanced nation IN THE WORLD in at least one technology - press forging.
A press forge is a monster machine used to shape metal. It is critical in industries like aviation and power. For example: critical parts of an airplane are pressed from single pieces of metal. Several small pieces welded together simply cannot handle the physical stress of flying.
Not many countries have these monster machines.
  1. USA has 4 units of 50,000-ton press forges.
  2. France has a single 65,000-ton press forge.
  3. Russia has 2 units of 75,000-ton press forges.
  4. China has 3 units of 80,000-ton press forges and blueprints of a 160,000-ton press forge that is ready for construction.
This is a strategic competency that countries can only dream of. How important is it?
Tools such as these are very important! Even the landing gear of the Airbus A380 that is supposedly built by France is pressed in Russia. This creates a very big dependency between nations to get along in order to run their businesses.
  1. Full article and references ‘China’s strategic leadership in press forging – 3x 80,000-ton press forges!
  2. Picture source ‘【了不起我的国40】中国8万吨锻压机打破西方垄断,百吨飞机大梁一次就能成型!

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