Monday 8 October 2018

Why can’t Kang the Conqueror kill Thanos when he has far more advanced technology?

I would not say that Kang (Nathaniel Richards (Kang) (Earth-6311)) is incapable of killing Thanos (Thanos (Earth-616)). If anything he is one of the few that could kill Thanos at any moment. Given that he is an immortal time-traveler. Meaning that he could kill little, baby Thanos whenever he wanted to.
Especially given the wide array of weapons he has at his disposal. But that would not be sporting. Kang normally opts for more of a challenge with his foes. So he would probably kill Thanos in direct combat.
Something he does with some frequency. Remember he has a whole trophy room dedicated to beings he did just that to. You know… all those beings he killed "in battle. By hand." And there are some pretty heavy hitters in there.
A Vision (Vision (Earth-616)). At least three Iron Men (Anthony Stark (Earth-616)). A couple of Beasts (Henry McCoy (Earth-616)).
There are some ripped pants like you might find on a Hulk (Bruce Banner (Earth-616)). At least one Thor (Thor Odinson (Earth-616)). And definitely a Juggernaut (Cain Marko (Earth-616)). None whom are pushovers in a fight.
And definitely a lot more than them were also killed in combat by Kang personally. So it is not like he is a slouch in the killing department. And the big reason for that is he gets in lots of practice… that and he cannot die.
You see Kang has the unique ability to actually be able to learn from his own mistakes, and try over again. Largely because when he is killed his mind is just placed in another body.
Which is located in his base outside of time (Limbo (Temporal)). Meaning that as soon as he dies, he just: comes back to life, has time come up with a new plan, and then just goes back and time to test it out. Repeat until he is successful.
He is successful because he is able to just keep on going until he gets it right. And he can even fight other, weaker versions of a foe as well. Building up his plan and skills, until he is ready for the “real thing”.
Again, this is all in the interest of being sporting. And giving himself a challenge. Remember, Kang does have a vast army. Which I discussed in Who is the richest character in Marvel Universe?. Spread across galaxies, dimensions, and even temporal eras. That also contain civilizations that have frequently fought off Thanos. Not to mention that he has virtual mastery over time itself. So he could just as easily rapidly age or de-age an opponent, to the point where they are to weak to fight him. Or just outright die.
All of this to say that if Kang wants someone dead… it is not really a matter of if he can kill them. It is a matter of when.
So the real question would be, “Why doesn’t Kang just kill Thanos?” And the answer to that is probably because it would affect the future in a negative way. Or at least for him. “One does not want to return to one’s own timeline to find you have never been born.” Meaning that Kang does not make a habit of doing things that not only do not benefit him, but are also harmful to him. So I would guess that killing Thanos would probably be one of these things.
Hence why he has “always carefully avoided any interaction with” him. Chances are it just is not worth it for him to kill Thanos.
Pretty much, though Kang could most definitely kill Thanos… it is most likely that he does not want to kill him. For reasons that, I would assume, revolve around it not being something that is beneficial to him

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