Thursday 25 October 2018

Do you still use a desktop as your primary machine at home

I wouldn’t exactly call it a “desktop” more like a “wall”. I use a motherboard which is literally screwed into the wall.
A desktop takes up too much space, and has an annoying power supply fan. This, and the rest of my office is powered by 170AH 24V (2x 12V batteries), so without AC I can go for 72 hours or so.
The batteries are charged from a solar panel which doesn’t do much as I live in a condo without any good place outside to locate them, and a power supply. The power supply is in a different room so the noise/heat is not an annoyance.
Everything runs off the 24V (on the left is a PC power supply that takes 12–40V). I have regulators for my routers, monitors and other devices that take 5V, 9V, 12V or something else. No inverters.
I setup a shelf to hold the miscellaneous junk I had lying around, router / switches, a second motherboard and various XU4s and the like. Here’s a photo that (much better organized than it was on Saturday). Plus space for my cat at the bottom:

Why do some people believe it is still Kali yuga when we are at the most advanced technological stage ever

Because my friend, Kali Yuga has nothing to do with technological advances.
It has to do with moral decline, which we as the human race, are experiencing right now, and have been since the beginning of Kali Yuga.
The ancient Puranas describe in detail the signs that characterize the last part of Kali Yuga, and some of them are eerily familiar to me. How about you?
The people of Kali Yuga are stimulated by the lowest instincts.
They chose false ideas and concepts over the authentic ones.
They have no hesitation in persecuting the wise..
the envy torments them, negligence, disease, hunger and fear will spread.
The water will be very rare..
Certain areas of some countries will oppose to others…
The sacred books will not be respected any longer..
The people will have no morals..
and they will have a tendency towards sectaries.
In the Iron Age, the false and deceiving doctrines will spread more and more..
People will be scared because they no longer respect the rites and they no longer listen the words of the sages.
(Burning of a Hindu temple.)
Many will perish.
The number of agricultures will gradually decrease…
The working classes will want to accede to the royal power and to the knowledge, rest and beds of their neighbors.
The great majority of the new leaders will be of working class origin and they will obstinately pursue the priests and those who gained the knowledge.
They will kill the unborn child..
and they will murder their heroes.
The low class will pretend they were Brahmins, and the priests are like workers.
The thieves will become kings, and the kings will be like thieves.
The number of the women who are prostitutes will increase.
The stability and balance of the four classes of society and of the four ages of life will disappear. The land will be very fertile in some places, bare, and unproductive in others.
The ruling classes will confiscate all proprieties and will use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.
People, who have obtained through doubtful means a certain degree of knowledge without the power to use it, will be called wise men.
People who are not born to be fighters will become kings.
The scientists will serve mediocre people, full of vanity and hatred.
The priests will lower themselves, selling sacraments…
There will be a lot of people moving around from country to country…
and the number of men will decrease, while the number of women will increase..
(This has not happened yet. The sex ratio for the entire world population is 102 males to 100 females as of 2017. Although there could be a higher number of females because in certain countries, girls births often go unregistered.)
The predators will become more and more violent.
The number of cows will decrease.
I am so sorry for this disturbing image. But it’s the sad reality of Kali Yuga.
Already prepared food will be sold…
The sacred books will be sold at the corner of the street. The young girls will sell their virginity…
The god of clouds will give the rains unevenly…
The salesmen will do dirty business and they will be surrounded by pretentious philosophers.
(Tony Robbins with his net worth of $480 million.)
There will be plenty of beggars and people without work..
Everybody will use low and harsh words. Nobody can be trusted at this time.
People will be jealous of each other and they will not be able to do any free, disinterested service to anyone.
The degradation of the virtues and the censorship of hypocrite puritans will mark the END of Kali Yuga. There will be no more kings. The wealth and crops will diminish. The cities and villages will be filled with groups of bandits. Water and fruits will be wanted. The people supposed to ensure the protection of the people will not protect them.
(Clearly, we are not at the end of Kali Yuga, but many cities are already filled with bandits. Billions of people go without fruit and clean water as it is, and leaders who are supposed to protect their people, often do not.)
The rapes will be frequent…
Many children will be born when the life-hope will not be over 16 years. (This is not the case yet, but I can see it happening far into the future as poverty increases and food/water decrease.)
The adventurers will appear as monks with their heads shaved wearing orange garments, and beads around their necks.
The wheat will be stolen. The thieves will rob other thieves..
People will become inactive, lethargic, without purpose and motivation..
Diseases and poisonous substances will torment all people..
Consumed by fear, people will find refuge in subterranean places..
The cases of the people living for 100 years will be rare..
Sacred writings will be altered, and the rites neglected.
The vagabonds will be many…
Unqualified individuals will pass for experts in morals…
and religion.
Many will massacre women…
and cows.
and then they will kill among themselves.
(Linga Purana, cap. 40)
In the Kali Yuga, only one quarter of each of the four feet of Dharma[penance, truthfulness, compassion and charity] remains. And that too goes on decreasing day by day while the ‘feet’ of Adharma [unrighteousness] increase greatly. So that in the end Dharma becomes extinct.
In that [Kali] age, people will be greedy.
They will take to wicked behaviour.
They will be merciless, indulge in hostilities without any cause..
unfortunate, extremely covetous for wealth and women.
High social status will be attained by Sudras, fishermen and such other classes…
When deceit, falsehood, lethargy, sleepiness, violence, despondency, grief, delusion, fear, and poverty prevail, that is the Kali Yuga…
… mortal beings will become dull-witted, unlucky, voracious, destitute of wealth yet voluptuous, and women, wanton and unchaste.
Countries will be laid waste by robbers and vagabonds
the Vedas will be condemned by heretics..
I’d like to insert a photo of a certain televised religious scholar here but am honestly worried about the backlash I’d receive from his followers.)
Kings will exploit their subjects..
(Jean-Claude Duvalier exploited his people for their blood & human body parts, as well as embezzling millions of dollars.)
and twice-borns like Brahmanas will only think of the gratification of their sexual desires and other appetites.(Obviously not all Brahmanas engage in sinful activity but we are still so early on in Kali Yuga, and the worse has yet to come.)
Celibates will cease to observe their vows of study, purity and celibacy; householders will take to begging , hermits will resort to villages, and Sannyasins will be extremely greedy for money. [In short, the whole system of the Varnashrama Dharma will have broken down.]
Petty-minded people will conduct business transactions and merchants will be dishonest..
In the Kali Yuga, men will abandon their parents, brothers, friends, and relatives…
They will establish their friendships on a sexual basis..
People who are ignorant of religion will occupy high seats and will [pretend to] preach religion..
People will have their minds weighed down with anxiety and fear…
This will be due to devastating famines and heavy taxation.
The land will not grow food-crops, and the people will always be in fear of impending droughts.
(Luckily, there is still fertile land but this will not be the case at the end of Kali Yuga, which is hopefully far into the future.)
So as you can see, despite technological advances, we are still in Kali Yuga.
Many of these so called “advances” have actually hurt our planet, and the people living on it. Thanks to technology, we have all sorts of advanced weaponry. We have the atomic bomb. We have the internet which is used to spread just as much hate as it does good. The list goes on and on..
But there are things we can do to make this world a better place, even during Kali Yuga. We can be kind to all whom we meet and set aside our ego. We can chant the holy names of God, and feed those who are hungry.
That, would be a very good start.